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  • Design of corporate identity and its parts
  • Banner design for a website, YouTube channel, advertising, social media
  • Illustrations for a website, blog, social media
  • 2D Character Design
  • Presentation style development, presentation creation


  • Website design
  • Landing page design
  • Application design


  • Website marketing audit and usability audit

  • Landing page development

  • Website development
  • Creation and design of new pages and sections


  • Development of a promotion strategy
  • Development of a content plan
  • Social media design
  • Maintaining and publishing content on social media
  • Managing a YouTube channel
  • Creating content for social media


  • Setting up and managing advertising in Google Ads
  • Setting up and managing advertising in Yandex Direct
  • Setting up and managing targeted advertising


  • SEO audit of a website and problem solving plan
  • Basic SEO optimization


  • Comprehensive marketing audit
  • Development of marketing strategy, marketing plan and media plan
  • Competitive analysis
  • Consumer analysis and profiling
  • Analysis of services/products
  • SWOT-analysis


  • Website administration and support
  • Content management on the website
  • Content management in social media, blogs and YouTube


  • Implementation and configuration of e-mail services
  • Creating email chains, subscription forms, creating email templates
  • Managing, sending newsletters, maintaining subscriber databases

Options for service delivery

Cooperation on tasks

This is a good choice if you’re looking for someone with a specific talent for a particular job.

Outsource all competencies

An excellent opportunity to gain a comprehensive set of skills that will cover the various needs of your business.


If you have an interesting and useful project that will help people, animals or the world as a whole, and you have limited or no budget at all, tell us about your project, goals and ideas. We will try to help for free if we have the opportunity.