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Inner Game

of Volleyball

Unlock your full potential on the volleyball court with Inner Game of Volleyball. Elevate your performance through cutting-edge sports psychology techniques. Join our course for a transformative journey to enhance your mental resilience, focus, and overall athletic excellence.
profound lessons
hours of usefull video
days of training
evaluating assessment

about THE course

Dive into the Inner Game of Volleyball, a transformative 21-day mental training program meticulously designed for athletes seeking peak performance. Backed by the latest research in attention, mental rehearsal, gratitude, and affirmations, our course is your gateway to unlocking mental resilience and excellence on the volleyball court. Led by John Kessenich, a respected mentor, our program offers weekly Q&A sessions for personalized guidance. With a focused curriculum, a personal workbook, and lessons under 20 minutes, our efficient approach ensures maximum retention and skill development. Elevate your game, embrace the Inner Game experience, and unleash your full potential.

Course CurriculuM

Embark on your journey with fundamental lessons in attention management, mental rehearsal, and the profound impact of imagery on neural networks. Lay the groundwork for a resilient mental game that will shape your performance on and off the volleyball court.
Immerse yourself in techniques that cultivate confidence and positive affirmations. Explore the power of deliberate practice and draw inspiration from the experiences of sports legends like Bill Russell and the transformative journey of Tim Gallwey.
Navigate the complexities of failure and growth as integral components of your athletic journey. Gain insights from captivating stories and real-world scenarios, enhancing your mental resilience and equipping you with invaluable tools for success.
As you approach the culmination of the Inner Game of Volleyball curriculum, delve into advanced concepts like the Rosenthal Effect, growth through challenge, and postgame evaluation. Reflect on your progress, celebrate your achievements, and gear up for graduation with a comprehensive understanding of mental mastery in volleyball.

based on researches

Mindfulness Training

Mindfulness training has recently been shown to be the most effective way to increase attention. Mindfulness training has recently been shown to be the most effective way to increase attention. Mindfulness training has recently been shown to be the most effective way to increase attention.


Imagery (also known as visualization or mental rehearsal) has been used for many years at the elite levels of sport and is now becoming more and more popular among younger athletes. Research shows that imagery can strengthen the same neural networks as physical practice.


Gratitude research has become more and more extensive in the last few years. We now know there are incredible psychological and physiological benefits to performing many different acts of gratitude.


Research supports the theory that an athlete who continually practices positive self-talk will improve their sports performance. Research supports the theory that an athlete who continually practices positive self-talk will improve their sports performance.

Curriculum Team

John Kessenich

Founder & Director of Training

  • 20 Years of coaching experience at the Club, DI and International levels
  • 2 Time NCAA All-American
  • NCAA National Championship Runner-Up
  • AVP Tour
  • Certified Mindfulness Coach
  • Certified Imagery Guide

Dr. Nate Zinsser

Curriculum Advisor

  • Professor at West Point
  • 30 years leading United States Military Academy’s Center for Enhanced Performance
  • Consultant to the Philadelphia Flyers and New York Giants for twelve seasons
  • Mentored 4 Olympic Medalists
  • Author of the book The Confident Mind

Dr. David Bresler

Curriculum Advisor

  • Former professor at the UCLA School of Medicine and the UCLA Psychology Department.
  • Neuroscientist, board certified acupuncturist and health psychologist, author, and educator.
  • Co-founder and President of the Academy for Guided Imagery
  • Former White House Commissioner on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy

Contributing Athletes

transform your game

Pre-launch price - 99$

21 days of techniques from US Olympians, neuroscientists and researchers.

2023 © Copyright Inner Game of Volleyball